The Crucible

Fallen Heroes: Michael Monsoor

In this chapter of our Fallen Heroes series, Iron Infidel honors the courageous actions of Navy SEAL Michael Monsoor, who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, for selflessly laying down his life to save his teammates. Monsoor enlisted in...

 Iron Infidel

How Hydration Effects Performance

               I struggled to catch my breath, my mouth was so dry that I couldn’t swallow and I knew we had only just begun. It was 45 minutes into the SWAT Selection physical tryouts...

 Iron Infidel

Iron Mind Workouts

Over the years we have seen athletes of all calibers either fail or succeed during the SWAT selection process. Some of the fittest bodybuilders, crossfitters, sports and endurance athletes walked away from selection with the weight of failure on their...

 Iron Infidel

Fatal Funnel

                                                             THE FATAL FUNNEL    The fatal funnel is a term...

 Iron Infidel

One minute out

It is 0300 hours and you are seated in the back of the Bearcat on your way to a mission target. “One minute to target” the driver yells out. You tap each piece of equipment on your plate carrier and...

 Iron Infidel

Physically Strong - Mentally Weak

                        The most difficult part of any selection process is not the short periods of deliberate physical training, which are designed to drive participants to extreme exhaustion. It is...

 Iron Infidel